Display Customization Outdoor Visibility

Take advantage of display solutions that offer excellent visibility outdoors.

Melrose is ready to equip you with the best customization options.

Display Customization Outdoor Visibility

Low-reflective (LR) touch screen solutions were introduced more than a decade ago. At the time, technology was a perfect answer to market needs. However, a lot has changed since then, and today Melrose’s offer includes capacitive touch panels that match the growing expectations of end-users. 

The changing market requirements and consumer demands lead to the creation of touch panels with reduced light reflectance intended for outdoor applications.

Visibility and readability are crucial factors in applications that use LCD TFT displays. That’s especially true for products expected to be used in direct sunlight. 

Low-reflective PCAP touch panels

Low-reflective PCAP touch panels are based on a double-layer glass structure. The cover lens consists of a glass panel with an anti-reflexive coating (AR). Another variant of this would be décor glass.

The sensor has a DITO (Double-sided Indium Tin Oxide) structure, which relies on touch sensor patterning on both the top and bottom sides of the film substrate.

The sensor has a DITO (Double-sided Indium Tin Oxide) structure, which relies on touch sensor patterning on both the top and bottom sides of the film substrate.

Here’s how LR PCAP panels work

The polarizer layer allows achieving the reflectivity of 1.5% (+/- 0.5%) and a light transmission coefficient of 85% (+/- 3%). PCAP panels are available in dimensions from 3,5 to 21,5 inches to match your business demands. They significantly reduce the effect of light reflection and improve the readability of LCD displays.

Note that the design of the LR PCAP touch panels is different from the standard PCAP design. Still, it’s compatible with the PenMount PCAP controllers.

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